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Learning new scientific concepts feels like discovery.

At OMED,. we guide our students through live experiments, activities and puzzles. They learn to find solutions to problems through trial and error. This process is something called research; an aspect that can be fun, as well as tough. Studying science in a digitized environment teaches students the importance of logging everything they do.

Science is fun. And if you do it right, stuff won’t explode.

Though the subject matter is aligned with the Single National Curriculum, we provide valuable additional reading and experimentation for students who want to dive deeper.

Intriguing learning experiences
Practice data logging
Experiments and research
Further reading
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Alice R Sloat

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Molly Davidson

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Ronald Boyd

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Andrew Taylor

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Stephanie Glover

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Nicholas Allan

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Praesent eget mollis nulla, non lacinia urna. Donec sit amet neque auctor, ornare dui rutrum, condimentum justo. Duis dictum, ex accumsan eleifend eleifend, Sed scelerisque, ex justo aliquam nunc, in ultrices ante quam eget massa.

Praesent eget mollis nulla, non lacinia urna. Donec sit amet neque auctor, ornare dui rutrum, condimentum justo. Duis dictum, ex accumsan eleifend eleifend, Sed scelerisque, ex justo aliquam nunc, in ultrices ante quam eget massa.

Praesent eget mollis nulla, non lacinia urna. Donec sit amet neque auctor, ornare dui rutrum, condimentum justo. Duis dictum, ex accumsan eleifend eleifend, Sed scelerisque, ex justo aliquam nunc, in ultrices ante quam eget massa.